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FreeScout Release 1.8.22 Notes

September 3, 2022

Starting from FreeScout 1.8.22 conversation numbers are equal to conversation ID by default. If you want to return to the previous approach go to Manage > Settings and set Conversation Number option to “Custom”. Now when a support agent replies to an email notification the mailbox’s Default Assignee option is taken into account.

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Sent Folder, Out of Office Modules and Modules Marketplace

April 14, 2022

1) Sent Folder and Out of Office Modules have been released. 2) In the future we may start a Marketplace where developers may sell their modules. If you already have some modules which you may want to sell just submit this form. If Marketplace will be launched – we will contact you.

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SAML Authentication, PHP 8.1, Performance Improvements and More

February 19, 2022

1) SAML SSO module has been released. 2) You may have noticed that FreeScout API when requesting multiple conversations was quite slow. In FreeScout v1.8.5 we’ve improved performance of Module::isActive() method which increased API performance up to 10-30 times when requesting multiple conversations. 2) Saved Replies Module now if you have more than 20 saved replies in the…

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Kanban Module and Calendar

December 25, 2021

1) Kanban Module has been released. 2) Non-official Calendar Module has been released (If you will like the module feel free to support it’s developer).

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Lots of News

October 2, 2021

Sender Time Zone Module has been released. Rocket.Chat Notifications Module has been released. Community released oAuth Authentication Module. If you need a kanban board feature, please describe your requirements here. If you would like to support FreeScout you can just star FreeScout Repo on GitHub. Another way to support the project is to vote at  the…

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