SMS Tickets Module
This module allows you to receive tickets from your customers by SMS and reply to them from FreeScout.
Before purchasing the module it’s highly recommended to register in Twilio first (see instruction below) and make sure that you can get in your country a phone number that supports SMS.
The module attempts to populate the following info for customers (if Twilio passes it): country, state, city, zip.
- FreeScout should use HTTPS protocol
- FreeScout should NOT be protected with Basic HTTP Authentication.
Twilio integration errors are logged in:
- Manage » Logs » SMS Twilio Errors
- Manage » Logs » Apps Logs
1. Create a Twilio account here.
2. Buy a phone number which is capable of sending SMS (and MMS if you need to send/receive media files). In some countries Twilio does not provide phone numbers at all and in some countries Twilio does not support SMS.
3. Enter purchased phone number into Twilio Phone Number field in module’s settings.
4. On https://console.twilio.com in the Account Info section find Account SID and Auth Token and copy into corresponding fields on module’s settings page.
5. Copy Webhook URL from module’s settings. Go to https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/incoming, select the phone number, scroll to “Messaging” section and paste Webhook URL into “A MESSAGE COMES IN” (Webhook) field and click Save.
6. Enjoy communicating with customers via SMS.
Auto Replies
If you want to send auto replies to customers messaging you via SMS you can use Workflows Module (“Communication Channel” condition allows you to distinguish messages sent via SMS).
Only image, video and audio media attachments are supported via MMS.
All messages received from some customer via SMS always go to the same conversation in FreeScout and this can’t be changed.
The module does not allow to start a conversation via SMS with a customer, customer have to message you first.