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Intermediate Report on Redesign

December 27, 2018

As per Help Scout’s request the FreeScout help desk is coming through the process of redesign. Still there is a lot to do, but at this point we can share some intermediate results:

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Introducing Self-Updating

November 10, 2018

Starting from verision 1.0.3 you can update FreeScout to the latest version from the web interface in Manage » System » Status. Read more in Updating Guide.

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FreeScout 1.0.0 Has Been Released

November 3, 2018

On November 1, 2018 FreeScout 1.0.0 has been officially released. Application is already used in production systems of several companies. Installation guide is available here. Feel free to send your testimonials, they will be published on the official website ( along with the active link to your project. Read more in our blog: “Free Self-Hosted Zendesk &…

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